Welcome To Melville is an adult animated comedy created by Andrew Mitchell and Brett Knickrehm. The series follows the lives of Aldy and Brandt, the last two blue whales in existence, as they narrowly avoid extinction - all without spilling a single drop of beer. With supporting characters including an astronaut bodyguard, a homeless sea turtle, a lustful humpback bartender and other marine companions, Aldy and Brandt tend to find themselves in some odd situations.
Each episode will have some degree of self-containment with elements of an overarching story slowly being unraveled throughout the first season. While episodes are flooded with nautical puns, crude humor and sight gags, the true fish out of water, our audience’s window to the world, Spaceman, will have a story of recovery and redemption.
Spaceman’s core development will loosely follow the 12-step program of Alcoholics Anonymous. Aldy, Brandt, and the rest of the blowhole spraying citizens of Melville will keep you laughing at their ridiculous antics, while Spaceman’s journey will have you rooting for the underdog as he attempts to overcome obstacles all too familiar to some and ultimately become a better man.
What started off as a passion project, Welcome To Melville has quickly grown into a reality for us. We have received some great feedback and are currently looking for a network or representation to find a home for our series.
WGAW Registered 2022.